“Free the Detainees” Fundraiser for the Niagara Migrant Hunger Strikers

Come join us for a night of music.

$10/All Ages. 8 PM. The event is pay what you can

All proceeds will go directly to the Niagara Migrant Hunger Strikers Support Fund.

Matt Sajn – http://vimeo.com/8853059
Eric Smith – http://ericsmith.bandcamp.com/
Jaimie Godard – http://www.myspace.com/jaimiegodard

Rise Above – 120 St. Paul St. (St. Catharines, On)

Solidarity Demonstration at the Niagara Detention Centre

Join concerned community members for a demonstration out front of the Niagara Detention Centre to show your support and solidarity with the huger striking migrants inside – Sergio, Sandro, Jesus and Ibrahim.

Tuesday December 20th: 1-2 PM. 1335 Uppers Lane (off of Hwy 58) in Thorold, On.

Signs will be provided. If you need transportation please post on this event page. This will be a “noise” demonstration – so feel free to bring items to make noise

We need your help!